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Lawsuit Paid In Full: Samsung pays Apple $1 Billion sending 30 trucks full of 5 cent coins

This morning more than 30 trucks filled with 5-cent coins arrived at Apple’s headquarters in California. Initially, the security company that protects the facility said the trucks were in the wrong place, but minutes later, Tim Cook (Apple CEO) received a call from Samsung CEO explaining that they will pay $1 billion dollars for the fine recently ruled against the South Korean company in this way.samsung-pays-apple-1-billion-sending-30-trucks-full-of-5-cents-coins
The funny part is that the signed document does not specify a single payment method, so Samsung is entitled to send the creators of the iPhone their billion dollars in the way they deem best.
This dirty but genius geek troll play is a new headache to Apple executives as they will need to put in long hours counting all that money, to check if it is all there and to try to deposit it crossing fingers to hope a bank will accept all the coins.
Lee Kun-hee, Chairman of Samsung Electronics, told the media that his company is not going to be intimidated by a group of “geeks with style” and that if they want to play dirty, they also know how to do it.
You can use your coins to buy refreshments at the little machine for life or melt the coins to make computers, that’s not my problem, I already paid them and fulfilled the law.
A total of 20 billion coins, delivery hope to finish this week.       

Memorandum to start Punjabi Department in JNU, Delhi by Panditrao Dharennavar
Memorandum  was given to Vice Chancellor  Prof Sudhir K Sopory to start Punjabi Department   in Jawaharlal Nehru University by Panditrao Dharennavar, assistant Professor, PG govt College, Sector 46  Chandigarh. VC expressed his desire to start Punjabi Department. VC also appreciated the translation work done by  Panditrao Dharennavar. VC said his Uncle S N Dar  also translated Heer Ranja into English. 
He said opening Punjabi department is in 12th plan and priority will be given to Punjabi department. VC also said it is first time some body has come to University and submitted the memorandum to start Punjabi department. Panditrao being non Punjabi but working for Punjabi language shows the unity and integrity  of the nation .VC said.
Panditrao if form Karnataka but has learned Punjabi and translated Sri Jap Ji  Saheb, Sri Sukhmani Saheb, and Zafaranama into Kannada. He has also translated 12th century Vachan sahit into Punjabi. He has written 11 books in Punjabi. He also carriec cycale yatra and for Punjabi language. He also try highlight wrong hoarding put on Delhi road in Punjabi language.

                  Forgive  them God.....

                             I am deeply  hurt to read about the recent  attack on Gurudwara Saheb in Vizianagaram of Andra Pradesh, India . It is hurting to see the attack on the faith of Sikh  religion. The attackers had no sympathy on the feelings of minority group   of the area. It was more hurting to read about physical attack on the preachers of the religion. Attackers have even dared to abuse  them with filthily language.  The attack has to be condemned with strongest words.
                              The attacker's intention to attack on holy worship is under scrutiny. One has to think that  this attack as the result of mere ignorance of people about Holiness of Gurudwara Saheb. I think  those attackers have no idea about the holy word"Gurdwara". The poor attackers may not have read about Sri Jap Ji Saheb ji, Those poor attackers may not have read"Zafaranama".  Had they read these two holy scriptures,  then they would not have dared to touch the single stone of Gurdwara Saheb. Had they read the story of "Sahibzaade", then they could have  bend their head in front of Gurdwara Saheb and go away. There is every chance that  attackers may not have got the  Holy Scriptures in their local language of  Telagu. The poor attackers are so poor that they could not get single "Shabad" of my Guru, therefore I beg to state "Forgive them God".
                             The philosophy of Sikhism  is based on forgiveness.  From  Sri Gurunanak Dev ji to Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji , all of them have forgiven sinners. Sri Guru Granth Saheb ji   will forgive them. I am sure the attackers  will be forgiven  if they realize their mistakes.  I am sure the realization will  take place among them. If they do not realize, the nature is going to teach  them a lesson. The Cyclone is going to hit them so hard in few hours that they will  not be able to cope up  with the situation for few months but I pray for their safety because I  know what "Sharabat Da Bhala" means.
                              The human being has gone so cheap that  he is not sparing the GOD also. The attack on the  place of worship is sign of declining morality of among human beings. Whenever there is decline of morality, there is always natural disaster . The punishment of God comes in the form of natural calamities. 
                             The only way for escaping from such natural calamities is to respect the feelings of  others. The only way to respect others feelings is to read and understand other's History, other's religious books. I think we need to translate those  historical books and  holy religious books in local languages. I am sure there will be  increase in mutual respect of each other if there is translation of holy books of all religions . There will be high amount  of respect to each other if they know each others religion well. I think it is our mistake that we have not yet translated Sikh religion's holy Scripture in local languages. I  am sure if anybody reads the History of Sikhism once, he or she will bend down the head in front of  Gurusikh forever in life,which means in my view " Sikhism is  Humanity" and everyone has to bend down head informant of Humanity. I again beg to state "Forgive them God" for not recognizing the humanity and attack the place of worship, Gurudwara Saheb ji.
                                                                                                                                                                 download (1).jpg
Panditrao Dharennavar,                                                                                                                                 Assistant  Professor 
                                                                                                                                                                     PG Govt College, Sector-46                                                                                                                          Chandigarh

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