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Saturday 2 March 2013

WHEN LORD KRISHNA WALKED THE EARTH---- CHAPTER 1 to 8---Dr.Aroona Reejhsinghani -----



God visits the earth----

(All Rights Are reserved By the Author)

all rights belong to the author if anyone copies any part of the book they will liable for punishment under the copyright act-----but anyone who wants to print the book as ebook or in print form can contact the authoresss at arunasxn@yahoo.com 

( A Book of 40 Chapters)

Aroona Reejhsinghani

ABOUT AUTHOR-----Aroona has written more then 200 books on a variety of subjects like health,beauty,cooking and childcare.She has also written poetry books,childrens books,fiction and non-fiction-----At the age of ten she won the first prize in All India Writing Competition organized by the famous American magazine Spectator

In 1998 she was featured in the directory of India women today along with Indira Gandhi,Lata Mangeshkar and other Indian luminaries -----

In 1991 she entered the limca book of records

In 1991 she received a letter from Guinness book of records congratulating her on her achievements

In 1998 she entered the American book of honour

In 1999 she was nominated as being the most outstanding woman of the century by American biographical institute USA

In 2000 she was featured in the book “woman enterpreners of India”,by govt of small scale industries

In 2000 she received the All India freelance journalists Association award for excellance in freelance journalism Chennai

In 2001 she received the winged word award from The International socio-literary foundation for outstanding contribution to literature Chennai

In 2007 she was conferred with honorary doctorate of literature by world academy of arts and culture 


In 2008 she was conferred with lifetime achievement award by ABI USA.


(All Rights Are reserved By the Author)----- CHAPTER 1

Beneath the cloudless sky, God sat relaxed on Sheahnag with Goddess Laxshmi seated besides Him .The milky ocean was crystal clear with many hued lotuses blooming in it ,Goddess Laxshmi was a picture of ethereal beauty .Gold ornaments studded with many a precious gems nestled in her hair ,bosom, waist,arms and feet, these ornaments were mere stars when seen in comparison with the unearthly glow of her golden moon-like face .God on the other hand was an epitome of beauty and grace. He looked as calm as a flower blooming in the moonlight ,His smile smoothed away the cares of everyone who came in His contact because He collected everyone’s tears and woes in the basket of His love and nobody went disheartened from His presence ,everyone’s hearts were filled with love and hope. His eyes brimmed over with love and His smile reached into the centre of ones heart and lit a flame of courage and faith.A radiance lit the whole atmosphere ,it was a wonderous sight full of magic. Narda who had just made his appearance, closed his eyes in ecstasy and let himself be seeped in the magic of the moment .He felt true unadulterated joy and happiness course through his very being and in that joyous moment ,he started dancing with great abandon and singing

Swing with joy

Swing and swing and enjoy

Music is joy

Dance is joy

Joy is happiness ,joy is peace

Swing and dance with joy and enjoy

“I am going”, God pronounced suddenly

Goddess Laxshmi who was lost in the sweetness of the music ,looked at him surprised” where are you going my Lord?”

“I am going to the planet earth ”God replied

“you want to take birth again on the earth?” ,questioned the Goddess.

When God did not reply, she continued,” but you cannot take birth now,you had prophosised that you will agaiu take birth in the age of kali ,but there is still time for the age to come, but then who can come in your way if you are taking birth again then I will come with you ,I cannot allow you to go there alone,I will; follow you as I followed you in your incarnation of Rama and Krishna as Sita and Rukmani ,I cannot remain without you even for a second”

“neither can I remain without you my lord” ,said Sheshnag ”as in your other incarnations I followed you as Laxshmana and Balrama,I will follow you now also ,you cannot leave without me”

“if you take them with you then this time I wont be left behind,I too will follow you” ,said Narada.

“nobody is coming with me” ,God said sternly”I am just going to visit the earth for a few days, you remain here and do your work”

“by the way, why this sudden decision of visiting the earth my Lord?” ,questioned Goddess Laxshmi’

“daily the denizens of the earth come to me crying for help ,everyone seems to be suffering from some problem or the other. I want to go personally and see first hand wether the situation realy is as bad as it is made out to be” ,replied God

“and in what form are you going there ?”asked the Goddess

“I am going there as a human being in a human body because I want to experience first hand everything a humans experiences on the earth ”said God

“and what about your powers? ,you are supreme and you have all the powers in this creation ,what about them ,are you going to use them ?,asked the Goddess

“I am not going to make use of my powers under any circumstances besides all of you listen carefully no one is going to come to my aid under any circumstances no matter in which situation I am caught ,I will solve all the problems I come across myself” ,said God

“you will not be using your powers ,you will not allow us to help you, have you any knowledge how difficult it is to live on earth without any powers ?,asked the Goddess

“whatever you might say, but I want to live on earth like any other human being and like every human I will survive on my own, I have already selected a body,I am going to get into it and leave just now” ,said God

“you are leaving just now”,Goddess Laxshmi asked in an alarmed voice ,and before she could utter another word, a young and a handsome youth stood before her dressed in jeans and t-shirt

“I am leaving” God repeated once again and the nerxt moment he was gone

From heaven or swarglok, God landed on a pomade. God passed the many shops with their exciting display of innumerable goodies and the beautiful apartments with the colors of summer flora exploding brilliantly all around. There was a nip in the air and the atmosphere was cool and refreshing. God was thoroughly enjoying Himself as He was taking in the sights and sounds of the city Suddenly he came upon an outlet selling cheese cakes and waffles, the wonderful aroma assailed His nostrils and He started feeling very hungry .As God stood looking at the goodies ,the man who owned the stall, offered Him a cheese cake .”here have one” ,said the man

“but I have no money” ,replied God

“never mind you just taste this and give me your opinion”.

God took a bite and He exclaimed” delicious ,it is delicious” .God had never tasted such a fare even in heaven ”you have made my day ”,replied the man” since you have liked it, I have a feeling that everyone of my customers will like them” .He had just opened the shop that day and this man standing before him ,munching on his cheesecake and looking at him with His quiet eyes brimming with love ,had lit a spark of courage and hope in him and somehow he knew in his heart that his business would take him places .As God was enjoying His repast,His eyes fell on two awesomely tall buildings in the distance ”what are those buildings? ”God asked the man pointing to the two buildings

“they are known as twin towers, they are the tallest buildings in the world and they are pride of our nation”.

“then I must see them,” ,said God,He thanked the man and went ahead to see the buildings .God stood before the buildings and looked up.Vow they seemed to reach the very heavens .He marveled at the human ingenuinity. He was happy that He had given His creation such brains that they were fast marching towards prosperity. At the rate they were progressing ,a day was not far off when they would reach His dominion .He decided to enter the buildings and see the geeks who worked in them and who seemed more brainy then many denizens of heavens. On entering the towers He could not locate any steps ,then how did one go up ?he asked a passerby who directed him to a big room which went up and down in matter of seconds carrying people. He must make such a contraption in heaven ,much time was lost in commuting over there, this would help all the Gods and Goddesses to save on time .He was happy to see the people busily occupied with their work ,the way they worked it was natural they should progress, if only the denizens in heaven worked so hard ,the world would have been a better place to live in,all the castrataphose happening on the earth were due to the laziness of the heavenly folks. ’After God had seen everything ,he came down and walked out, He must tell Goddess Laxshmi about these folks ,She would be happy to learn about such enterprising people ,He would bring Her here one day and show Her these towers which were marvels of human ingenuity .He had hardly stepped out, when there was a deafening blast ,there was a loud crash and only debris in place of the magnificent buildings .The full atmosphere changed in a moment ,everyone was running ,screaming and shouting,the worst was still to come when the debris caught fire ,thousands of people were trapped and dying by the minute ,it was a harrowing and a grim moment for everyone including God, besides God stood a sad faced young man ”my mother was in there ”,he said almost in a whisper ”my mother came to meet my father who was working in here. She was one of those unfortunate Vietnamese girls who had drawn close to an American soldier deployed to prevent the communists from taking over the south Vietnam. After the northern Vietnam gave a black eye to the USA backed south vietanamese army and compelled the Americans to ship out ,my mother found herself pregnant. I was growing within her,when my father boarded the ship out of Saigon. All my adult life I spent searching for my father ,the only person who could transport me from the miserable third world country to the prosperous and glittering USA. After a long search I found my father through the internet ,I asked for his address .I was besides myself with joy when I found my father .Twice I and my mother tried to reach him ,but always we were caught and deported back .When I told my father about it ,he sent us the required papers to visit him and atlast we were here and then this happened ”,he was quiet for a moment and then looking straight into Gods eyes he proclaimed” God above is heartless ,he has no mercy, I have lost all faith in Him”, then putting his head in his hands he started sobbing uncontrollably

everywhere there was panic ,some were sobbing ,some were pleading to be rescued,everywhere there was mayhem .God didn’t know how to react short of miracle nothing could be done in such a situation .God was without any miraculous powers and therefore was helpless .God could see the young mans mother buried under the debris, she was trapped and God could hear her voice. ”I am trapped I cannot breathe much longer ,please help me otherwise I will surely die”. God decided to help the woman and with bare hands God dug up the debris around her and pulled her out .The young man was besides himself with joy ,he clasped both the Gods hands in his own hands and started kissing them and thanking Him for rescuing his mother. Before the help could arrive, God helped to rescue as many people as He could .Suddenly Goddess Laxshmi appeared before Him ,”my lord don’t you want to know who has committed this heinous crime?”

“who has done this unpardonable vicious act devi I am eager to know” asked God with anger written large on His face.

“your culprits are over there” ,Goddess replied ,pointing out to two masked men who were seated in a car a little distance away from the scene of the crime.

I am happy for you and your creation when I see so many souls helping these people with no motive of gain or greed then I see your face in them,when I see so many loving hands carrying a bruised and a badly hurt body, I see your face in them” ,said Goddess Laxshmi

“you are right devi,the love and affection and concern they are showing for one another makes me happy and I feel that I have truly made the humans in my own image but amongst my loving creation who are these dark forces who are watching with such vicious pleasure this destruction around them?”

“these dark forces are known as terrorists ,the black forces on earth who not only destroy others but also themselves. they are harbingers of all that is evil and today they and their gang is responsible for this wantom destruction ”,before Goddess Laxshmi could finish speaking ,God with long easy strides of a body in a perfect condition reached the car and yanked open the front door .He jumped in besides the driver ”who are you?”, spluttered the man behind the wheels

“I am God”

“God” ,uttered the man derisively and together he and his friend sitting in the back seat of the car started laughing uprouresly .God ignored their laughter and said ”why did you do this, why did you destroy the beautiful buildings? it took years for them to build the marvelous edifices and you,you reduced this beauty to dust within seconds .Do you realize that with these beautiful buildings you have destroyed, you have also destroyed numerous lives, tell me why did you commit this unpardonable crime? ”,God asked in an anguished voice.

“you must put these questions to the super powers who are collectively responsible for this destruction” ,replied the man in the drivers seat” these powers should act like big brothers to everyone in this world, but instead of looking and caring for small brothers ,they destroy them and anhilate them who they feel is competing with them. It started with Afghanistan ,then Iran ,then Palestine, then Iraq the list is endless. How can we take this endless brutality and when we try to give them a doze of their own medicine, they accuse us of religious terrorism ,this way they are trying to split the world on the basis of religion and ethnicity and are trying to drive a wedge between us and other religions of the world ,and in this way the confrontation between different religions will bring about catastrophic consequences”

“instead of destroying each other is there no other solution to your problems?” ,asked God in a grave voice

“the wars the super powers inflict upon us gives rise to poverty which is the main cause of violence ,vice ,extremism and terrorism, once super powers behave ,terrorism will die a natural death

“are you sure this is the only cause for terrorism, the main cause is also religious, you want your religion to rule the world and therefore you are resorting to these terrorist activities, said God.

“who doesn’t want their religion to rule the world? even white men fought numerous wars to propogate their religion”, said the man sitting in the back seat

“do you know the correct interpretation of religion ,asked God,” religion means peace and plenty ,it does not mean fanaticism ,you must dig out religion from its narrow, dark vaults of ignorance and hate and let it come out and shine in its pristine glory ,religion means doing unto others as you would like others to do unto you, true religion means leaving hatred and violence and turning the mind to spiritualism which gives peace and happiness peace and happiness are only things which everyone in this creation from the biggest to the tiniest are after, whole day you run after these things to capture them in your heart ,but violence and hate gets better of you .It is never too early or too late to be spiritual ,it is just the simple question of having the proper mental attitude, spiritualism can be easily achieved by anyone or anybody through selfless service and love for all living creatures which knows no bondage and seeks no boundary” .said God.

“have you finished your sermon? then please leave ”,said the man in the drivers seat

“besides” ,said the man sitting at the back, ”although we want islam to rule the world, but personally speaking we do not believe in religion ,religion is associated with darkness, superstition and irrationality ,only cowards take refuge in religion ,religion can never lead to science, reason and human progress, it is a delusion our work has little to do with religion ,this dance of death and destruction which we are doing is not to bring about ther glory of any religion ,we are fighting for the cause of the oppressed the concept that the English man is the best which was mainly created by them should go and everyone should be treated equally and we will continue to fight for our just cause till the last breath in our body”

“unless you believe in religion you will not be able to fight for justice, if according to you religion is a delusion ,it is a delusion which has a great future .Religion believes in the concept of live and let live,a non-religious person will not be tolerated in any society because promises ,covenants and oaths can have no hold upon an atheist and his future turns hazardous ”,said God

“please we are in a hurry and in no mood to listen to you any longer ,please leave the car or else ”,the man at the wheel said in a threatening voice and before God could reply ,he pushed God out of the car and drove away at great speed .God lay sprawled on the ground, His body was badly bruised, whilst taking on a human body ,God well knew that He had to undergo all the trials and tribulations of a human body-but this pain it was terribly agonizing .At that moment Goddess Laxshmi appeared before Him and helped Him to His feet.” what a fool I was to allow you to take on a human body?. now how will you bear this agonizing pain?:.

“now devi,you are making a mountain out of a mole hill: .God said standing tall” see for yourself I am perfectly alright, a man who cannot bear a little pain is no man at all”

Suddenly a police van approached them ,a policeman got out of the van and looked at him quizzically, ”what is your name? ”,he demanded to know

“God” .God replied simply

“show me your passport and visa”

“and what are these?” ,asked God

“what do you mean what are these? ,you need to have a passport and a visa to visit this place, how come you have landed here without having them,who has brought you here?:,

“I have come here on my own” .replied God

“from which country have you come?”,

:”I have come from Swarglok”.

“now where is Swarglok I have never heard of this place before?”,

“it is up above the clouds: .The policeman looked at Him oddly and asked God to accompany him to the police station. God made a sign to the Goddess who was a silent spectator all this time to leave .Goddess knew that God had got Himself into a great trouble and although she had great faith in His ability to look after Himself ,she knew it would not be easy for Him to get away from the troubles which beset every human being on this earth. At the police station God was taken before the officer on duty. The policeman told the duty officer” this man here I think is a spy, He has no visa and passport and He says He has come from Swarglok ,this place is not mentioned anywhere on the globe”

“young man ” ,the officer on duty addressed God, ”from where have you come?”.

“Swarglok ”,God replied simply

“now where is this Swarglok?”

“it is not on this planet ”,replied God

“are you an alien? but you don’t look like one ”,said the officer, he was silent for a woman appraising God from top to toe then he said” okay what is your name?”

“you have a nice name and you look like a thorough gentleman then why are you without a passport and a visa?”,

“what is a passport and a visa?, asked God

“these two things are of extreme importance if you want to visit any country in the world”

I had created this world for every creation of mine so that everyone lived together and shared the bounties on the earth, ,then why this bifurcation of land ,why this constriction of movement, where was the freedom, the happiness, the enjoyment He had visualized for His creation when He had created this world .God was lost in deep thought

“young man why aren’t you carrying your passport and visa” ,the officer raised his voice in irritation

“I don’t have them ”replied God

“if you don’t have them then you have to go to the lock up ”,the officer called a policeman and him to lock God up

In the lock up God was greeted by Sam a nigger, he got talking to God, ”I am a body packer ”,Sam told God introducing himself

“and what is a body packer?”

“a body packer is a man who transports drugs like cocaine and heroin through his body ,we swallow small packets of drugs and recover them from the other end of the digestive tract to escape detection”

‘but why do you do this? I don’t think it is a good job ”,said God

“it is certainly not a good job ,but it gives big money, these drugs are used by the rich and the famous and once they get addicted to them ,they can cough up any amount dough to get them”

“but why do they take the drugs in the first place?”

“to get a kick out of life why else” ,replied Sam ”they are harmful and addictive therefore they are banned ,in some states carrying and dealing in drugs can sentence you to death, therefore we hace to carry them concealed in our bodies to escape detection”

“you seem to be a very violent man ”,God observed looking at the many scars on his body, ”I am a very peaceful man, but I don’t like the attitude of the police here, for every crime we niggers are the suspects and because of this attitude I become aggressive and things start happening ,since unfortunately I am born a nigger therefore I am a regular here”.

“why are you locked up this time?

“I had a knife fight with an old adversary whom I have known since I was knee high .He is a typical H boy who acts bad and comes on bad and his nickname is python because he is as deadly as a snake ”.A man who was sitting besides them overhearing their conversation, suddenly intervened and asked God wether He was an Indian

“yes, why? ,God questioned him

“I am also an Indian ,do you speak hindi? ”,God nodded His head

“I also speak hindi,I am also an Indian, my name is Harmesh but people call me Harry ,let us speak in hindi, why are you here ?’.asked Harry

“I have no passport and visa ”,said God

“it is a crime to enter any country with out a valid passport and a visa ,if you are lucky they might deport you but if they think you are a spy then you have had it ,they might subject you to third degree to extract information from you”

“what is third degree? ,asked God

“third degree is the torture of the worst kind ,they subject you to so much brutality that you forget your own self you wish you were dead” replied Harry ,on hearing this, God felt His hair standing on end”I advise you to break out of this prison, the police over here is very cruel and sadistic”

“break out of jail?, what is that ?” asked God

“running away escaping ”,replied Harry

“how do you that?, questioned God

“tomarrow early in the morning before everyone wakes up you feign you are very, very sick and I too will fake my illness and whilst they take us to the hospital we will make a break for it”

“is it that easy?, questioned God

“it is not as easy as it seems, but if you are clever and careful you will succeed ,besides I have friends who will help us to escape ,now I must leave otherwise we will raise suspicion” ,Harry said and moved away

Next morning, as God woke up from His sleep .He staggered and fell down with a ghastly pain in the stomach. The stabbing stomach pain was so intense that He couldn’t help moaning .Sam who was sleeping besides Him woke up with a start on hearing God moaning ,he put his arm around God ,made Him sit up and asked Him what was wrong with Him, ”I have terrible pain in the stomach” ,God cried out in agony. Sam rushed to the door of the cell and shouted to the policeman on duty ,he came hurrying to the cell and seeing God’s agony he immediately sent for a doctor. Harry thought that according to their plan God was feigning illness and therefore he too started moaning in pain .When the doctor arrived ,he examined both of them and recommended that they both be shifted to a hospital immediately .An ambulance was called and they were both put in the ambulance and were taken to the hospital

On the way, the driver got down to relieve himself and the few accompanying policeman got down to refresh themselves ,seeing the golden opportunity ,quickly and stealethly Harry climbed behind the steeringWheel of the ambulance and fled from the spot at tearing speed, he drove for some miles and when he thought they were beyond the reach of the police ,he stopped the ambulance and got down ,when he saw that God was not making any effort to get down, he got irritated and shouted at Him. ”come on man get down ,we have very little time ,if we do not get going they are going to catch up with us”

“I cannot get down ,I am very sick”

“are you really sick ?”,asked Harry

“yes ”,said God in a barely audible voice

“I am sorry I thought you were faking it according to the plan I had discussed with you, therefore I too faked my own illness ,but you must be a brave man and get down and walk because we have a long way to go,I am sure you can do it, you look brave and strong”, Harry said in an encouraging voice

“no doubt I am brave and strong but sickness can take its toll on the strongest man on earth ”,replied God

God got down with great difficult and weakly he started walking with him ”where are we going from here?, questioned God

“we are going to India ,my friends have made all the arrangements for us ,let me just make a call .Harry made a call on his cell phone to his friends who told him that they had booked two seats for them in a cargo ship which was moored at the docks and which was about to leave with in an hour ,since God couldn’t walk ,Harry made Him sit on his shoulders and carried Him to the docks ,to his amazement he did not feel a slight discomfort whilst carrying God, because God sat as lightly as a feather on his back

At the docks ,Harry was met by his friends who gave them the tickets and asked them to behave on the ship and not raise any suspicion since ordinary people were not allowed on a cargo ship .His friends had especially requested the ships captain who was a distant relative of one of them to take both of them to India since here their life was in great danger. Harry thanked his friends and along with God besides him they walked through the gangway leading them from the dock to the ships deck




God is caught in a bomb blast on the train

Harry and Gods journey would first take them to Delhi and further on to Shimla and then to Kashmir. God and Harry boarded a first class compartment and made themselves comfortable on the two adjoining seats ,since it was summer vacation ,the train was running to its full capacity, as the train reached the next station ,the compartment in which God was traveling exploded as the train halted on the station .Such was the impact of the blast that the train lifted up from the track momentarily whilst its splinters flew out and landed in the buildings close to the railway tracks ,there was total darkness inside the compartment and it was filled with smoke.

God managed to escape unhurt and what He saw around Himself was totally nightmarish. There was complete chaos as people started jumping off the train ’In panic people were screaming and running helter skelter looking for their loved one’s , some were so panic stricken that they kept on running blindly without looking back not knowing where they were going, the one uppermost thought in their mind being to put as many miles as possible between themselves and the damaged train.

God who was unhurt went to rescue Harry and others injured in the blast , when He entered the compartment, He and Harry had occupied moments before, He saw the remains of bags, clothes and blood stains in the ripped compartment, a silent testimony of the barbarous acts of a few misguided people. Near the door lay a man who was trapped underneath another person , God pulled him by his tie and realized to His horror that the man’s head was severed from his torso. There were dead bodies scattered all around and those injured were bleeding profusely .God tried to save as many injured people as possible ,but God was worried about Harry ,He couldn’t find him anywhere in the compartment which was fast filling up with the smell of burnt flesh and the nauseous smell of blood ,God could no longer bear the stench and so He jumped out on the platform and He found Harry who was thrown out of the compartment by the blast, standing before the compartment with a shocked look on his face .The accident had so shocked him that he stood rooted to the spot staring vacantly into the mangled compartment .God put His hand on Harry’s shoulder and assured him that everything would be alright and he should get over it and help people who were injured and needed their help.

Near the station there were three places of worship belonging to three different religions ,the worshippers had just finished their evening prayers when they heard the huge thunder-like sound, all the devout rushed to help the blast victims, the devout belonged to different castes and communities who otherwise were always at loggerheads with one another, in that instant forgot their personal differences and together with God and Harry ,they helped the anguished victims to reach them to the hospital in which ever vehicles were available ,by the time it was all over ,it was very late and God started feeling very hungry All the eateries were closed for the day and God didn’t know how to get rid of the hunger pangs, one thing God didn’t like about this human body was that whenever He was hungry ,He felt very weak and sick .As God and Harry were coming out of the hospital ,God saw a sardar cooking roties and sag near the entrance .On seeing them ,the sardar offered both of them food. God was so hungry that He couldn’t wait for even a second to devour the food, as He was about to put the roti in His mouth, the sardar caught His hand, ”you are not going to eat plain sag without ghee ”,he put a big spoonful of flavored ghee on the sag saying” now you can eat your food my friend” God enjoyed every morsel of food He put in His mouth because it was served to Him with intense love and affection .Sardar suffered from a sickness which gave him only few days on this earth ,therefore he wanted to spend the last days of his life in service of others ,his unstinted service ,got him not only everyone’s blessings but even the blessings of God and to his amazement the next day when he went for his regular checkup ,the doctors were amazed to notice that the sardar had no disease, he was in perfect health .The words of his mother rang in his ears when he heard these good tidings ”my son be of service to every one, for you don’t know in which guise God will come before you” ,sardar was sure that the man whom he had served food late in the night was God in disguise ,His very presence smoothed away all his cares and He knew in his heart that from now onwards he would have a smooth journey because he felt he had met God face to face ,he fell on the ground where God had stood eating his offerings and sobbed with joy


God boards a train for Delhi

God and Harry were allotted seats in the next train which was going to Delhi, both of them were lost in their own thoughts when suddenly Harry said, ”what a loss of precious lives”
“yes” , said God”it was a wanton loss of life ,the way people died was shameful”
“I do not know what type of people are these who can so shamelessly perpetrate such diabolical crimes” said Harry
“There are two types of people born on this earth, the divine who are good and kind and virtuous and diabolically fallen who are vicious, rotten and evil. The diabolically fallen are utterly materialistic minded who look at life from their own devilish outlook. They hold a view that there is no God and the world exists by itself quite forgetting if the world had no higher power for controlling it, it would suffer disaster and destruction, when ever a man forgets his creator he starts behaving like a beast insulting the divine nature of his own evolution such a man’s mind is filled with insatiable desires, when such men use their intelligence and knowledge to fulfill their diabolic desires, they bring around themselves and others an endless chain of disturbances and destruction, such desperate men drag their lives along the corridors of sorrow and misery and end in the silent court yard of dreadful death.
These malicious and cruel men are the most degraded amongst the human race, they are born from the wombs of demons life after life because a demonic personality discovers its fulfillment only in a demonic environment ,there is a law of action and reaction, in nature this law orders that cruel should be born from demonic wombs again and again till the sheer horror of their experiences brings home to them a realization of the follies and the futilities of such a depraved life”, said God,
“is there no salvation for such people?” ,questioned Harry
“there is salvation for everyone born on this earth provided the man realizes that he is the greatest monster in history and he is filled with horror ,remorse and fear at his actions .There is always a way of redemption and this is done by cleansing the soul No one can force a man to redeem himself not even God, unless he himself realizes the enormity of his criminal deeds. He is at liberty to remain in his own chosen purgatory as long as he prefers to remain in it ,unless he decides to change his malicious and cruel ways and until he has evolved himself to a sufficiently enlightened outlook and decides to be a ministering angel to fellow humans and learns self control, love wisdom and grace and then without even realizing it, he will attain the grace of God which will minimize his faults and magnify his virtues and then he will leave this earth loved, honored and respected and since he has turned to spiritualism he will be rewarded by a birth in a family of good and honorable men and on taking such a birth he will again revive the divine consciousness of his previous birth and he will try to make further progress in order to achieve complete success and ultimately gets birth on the planet of the pious living human beings where there are only comforts and enjoyments unlike this earth where there is only misery and sadness ”,said God and before Harry could ask another question, the train had stopped at a platform, God asked Harry to bring some refreshments and the mornings newspaper .Every newspaper carried a headline about undying spirit of the city ,they highlighted the fact that life in the city was back to normal within hours of the terrible blast ,they congratulated the population for carrying on with their daily life “inspire of every thing .God was stunned to read this “-how amazing is the human race,”, he said aloud the people here are very selfish because they are not directly affected therefore they are not bothered what happened to their fellow human beings, majority of men only feel pain when their own near and dear ones suffer and the anguish of others does not affect them because they are blind to others sufferings, they can hear their own children crying, but the cries of millions of other children does not touch their ears unless everyone joins together to fight the pain and suffering of others, they will not succeed in eradicating the terrorists who thrive on men’s misery”
“its shameful to see such apathy such indifference”, said Harry.” citizens should have been mad with anger at the violence perpetrated on innocent people but instead they are congratulating themselves on their tremendous ability to bounce back. Instead of retaliating and thinking of their survival they are following a path of non violence by claiming that they will go on with their daily business come what may even if they are blasted over and over again ,isn’t this sign a of cowardliness ,because they are afraid to face them they are resigned to their fate”
“the citizens are turning spineless, people who perpetuate terror and those who take the acts of terror without responding to it are both sinners”, replied God “people are getting immune to terrorism this is giving rise to indifference, indifference is leading the country to impotency .The citizens should rise up as one and protect themselves against the constant onslaughts of terrorists. They are waging a constant war against civilized human beings and not defending themselves and running away from the fact that the terrorists are out to destroy the very fabric of their lives, will not help them, but will bring destruction upon them. These people are sending them messages that they are weak and soft and this fact will embolden the terrorists to carry out more and more attacks”
“you are right God, terrorists are taking advantage of the weakness of the people, they know that they will never hit back, they only protest in silence which has no effect whatsoever on them therefore they continue with their heinous activities”, said Harry
”we cannot sugar coat the bitter truth that basically we are a weak and selfish people, every one is occupied with his own life, no one wants to get into trouble, so long he is not harmed it is okay for him, no one has time for any body quite forgetting that if they do not come together collectively and respond to the threats sooner or later all will be dead”, said a young man sitting besides them
“life is a tossing stormy sea at all the times and therefore everyone who has taken birth must know the art of living in the stormy sea, otherwise he will sink in the water. Every man should know the art of ducking beneath the mighty waves and solidly standing like a light house which has its foundation built on the bedrock of the sea. To expect the waves not to trouble you is to order the sea to be something other then itself. This is what a foolish person thinks, he expects his life to be without any waves-but life is full of waves.
Pleasure and pain, gain and loss, conquest and defeat are bound to arise in the journey of life and a clever person knows how to face them, without these ups and downs life becomes completely stagnant almost like death ”,God stopped for a while before continuing, ”if every citizen comes together and fights the terrorists with a single pointed mind and with resolute determination he is sure to achieve success in his endeavors to root out terrorism. The future is always carved out in present, tomorrows harvest depends upon today’s sowing and ploughing,bt if the farmer wastes his time by not ploughing and sowing in time,he will lose all his harvest and come to grief ,you must work immediately to eliminate your enemy otherwise like the farmer you will reap a bitter harvest in future”
“but the terrorists are well trained to carry out their nefarious activities ,they are flush with funds and they are well protected by our enemies, how then we can fight them ?,asked another man sitting near them who was carefully hearing their conversation
“if you want success you should never strive with a mind dissipated with anxieties and fears for the fruits of your actions, to worry over and get yourselves preoccupied with the anxieties for the future rewards of actions is to make an escape from present and live in future which is yet to be born, you should not waste your present in fears and anxieties instead you should bring out all the best in yourself and live every moment in present, you should give all of yourself to the present and fight valiantly to chase the terrorist from the very face of the globe Every citizen should awake and arise and fight them and lose their faint heartedness in doing this, they should do their duty and God will do his own. Lord Krishna said to Arjuna in the Mahabharata war which was fought to destroy the evil forces”Arjuna all that you can do now is to act and having known the cause of action to being a noble one, bring into the activity all that is best in you and forget yourself in the activity, such inspired action is sure to bring you fruit” ,said Lord Krishna” ,was Gods reply


From Delhi God goes to strife torn valley of Kashmir

The entire journey was spent in heated discussion about terrorists and terrorism and soon the train reached Delhi .From here they proceeded to Shimla, a queenly city which rested in the bosom of the mighty Himalayas.God spent a full day admiring the magnificent city,He also gorged on the delicious red fruits which were known as strawberries.Harry showed God how to enjoy their delicious flavor when he mixed them with sugar and cream,from there they proceeded to Kashmir their ultimate destination
God was completely fascinated with the land of Kashmir.It was like He had gone back to heaven,it was a land of lotus lakes,floating gardens,canopied house boats,multi-coloured flower strewn pastures all encircled by Himalayan mountains
Their approach to Srinagar was through an avenue of tall welcoming trees and then to Dal lake. Here Harry’s father Inayatullaha ran a house boat which was more like a flat, floating in water. The boat was shaded with a beautiful embroidered red canopy ,half the boat was given on rent to tourists,and the other half was used as their living quarters.The boat was surrounded by numerous floating gardens crudely improvised with logs and earth in which grew an amazing of fruits,vegetables and flowers.The peasants who were the owners of these gardens toed these small plots of land to a new location whenever they felt like going to a new place in the network of canals in the lake
God was amazed to see the ingenuity of men who grew his food in the bosom of the lake and the way they were guarded like beautiful maidens by the stern surveillance of the Himalayas .Kashmir to God was an epitome of earthly beauty, soon God was introduced to Harry’s family by Harry who gave Him a very warm welcome .After they freshened up all sat together and his mother served them salt tea-a specialty of Kashmir and some local snacks.They were all eager to know about Harry’s sojourn abroad, he gave them a graphic detail about all that had happened to him-his being locked up in jail because his face resembled a well known terrorist-his meeting with God-his escape from jail-his coming to Bombay-his brush with death and his journey home
By the time he had finished his narration, it was twilight and time to light the kitchen fires. As his mother was getting up to leave Harry said” ami my friend here is a staunch vegetarian he will not touch anything which is non-vegetarian”.
“don’t worry my child, none of us will eat meat till He is our guest”.After dinner God and Harry sat on the deck feasting their eyes on the endless reaches of snow capped mountains against the starlit blue sky.The land was crowned by mountains and garlanded by lakes with dazzling flower beds as far as eyes could see,to God it was the worlds most scenic spots.God was immersed in admiring the scenic beauty when Harry said softly”Innayatullaha is not my real father.I am born a hindu,I lost my parents one after another to a mysterious fever which killed them when I was just knee high.Abba was our neighbour and he adopted this orphan ,both abba and ami treat me like their own children and they have given me everything they have given their own sons Rahil and Hamid,my brothers too love me equally,I don’t think my real parents or my siblings would have given me as much love as they have bestowed upon me”
“you are lucky to be with them”,said God.
“I have received so much from them but I don’t know how to help them in their hour of trouble, I don’t know how to do my duty towards them as their eldest son ”,Harry said in a sad voice
“why what’s wrong? ,questioned God
“Rahil the eldest son of Abba and Ami was kidnapped by the terrorists some months ago , the terrorist are like ghosts they are present all around but still you cannot see them. They enter houses at the dead of night with scarves wrapped around their faces and they take youngsters with them at the point of guns and then they leave with the poor young ones. They take them forcibly across the border and put them through a rigorous training that is harder then given to the soldiers in the army, they are made to run kilometers after kilometers with thirty kilo sacks on their backs.The emphasis on running is because during carrying out their criminal activities they should not be caught,they should make a quick gateaway Rahil did not want to be known as desh drohi because he was desh premi,in captivity he was raging with the fire of inadequacy which was killing him slowly and therefore he was always looking out for opportunities to make an escape. And one day when the terrorists were busy celebrating their victory of successfully planting a bomb in a five star hotel,he found the opportunity to make good his escape and then with great difficulty he found his way back home and since then the whole family is living in a shadow of fear,any moment the terrorists might come back and then God save Rahil”,said Harry
“trust me no harm will befall Rahil, ”God said with conviction
Late that night the terrorists attacked their neighbors and dragged away their only son, when his father and mother tried to save him, they were severely beaten up .A few hours later his bullet ridden body with tell-tale signs of torture was found on the banks of the lake.”this is a daily happening”, Inayutullaha told God the next day when the news of the death reached them.”Kashmir was known as heaven on earth ,the moghul emperor Jahangir described it as paradise on earth.like him thousands of beauty lovers from all over the world have been raining praises on this enchanting valley,but now this heavenly spot has turned into a living hell,hindus and muslims have lived in peace and brotherhood since times immemorial we both have many points of resemblance in dress,social customs and religious ceremonies The sacred shrines of both of us are situated together and it is frequent for both the communities to celebrate fairs at these shrines simultaneously,besides in all social functions both communities take equal part,but the terrorists want to drive away our hindu brothers and make this place a muslim nation,since you are here,you should visit a refugee camp to know the tragedies that have struck Kahmiri’s.The hydra-headed serrpant of terror keeps on striking with venom both the hindus and muslims with high frequency.The modus operandi of the terrorists is to send a warning to the families before striking them to create a fear phychosis and soon the family who has received the threat would vacate their houses leaving every thing behind and go in search of safer haunts.But some times some people are gunned down without any warning,the bitter truth is that there are no simple and safe antidotes to this kind of mindless terror.To make matters worst the horror and the repugnance such incidents create are used by the mischevious elements to whip up hatred against pre-selected targets”,said Harry.
“where are the people who have been displaced?” ,asked God
“most of them are now living in pathetic conditions in the refuge camps, these camps are like ghettoes where people are herded together like cattle, separated from each other by only a thin piece of cloth ,the cloth robs a person of his privacy and he stands naked before the discerning eyes of all and sundry, who dissect him at every given moment. Naked children with streaming noses and distended bellies are found loitering about without any aim, many of the children as small as five years are addicted to inhaling paint thinners ,eraser inks and glue to forget the cruelties which their young eyes had seen and suffered at the hands of the terrorists, it is difficult to live with such terrible memories, the intoxication helps them to cope with depression and negative thinking, although they are dangerous which can make them blind for life but without them it will be impossible for them to live.”,said Harry on the way to the camp .God was amazed to see the conditions in the camp ,they were much worst then what he had created in hell ,this camp was worst then hell .Nullaha’s full of muck and grime were flowing within the camp,where mosquitoes,mice ,cockroaches and flies were doing a death dance”how can any living being survive in these conditions asked God of Harry.
“they have no other place to go therefore they stay here,families live here on hands to mouth existence .Many of them who cannot adjust to their circumstances find themselves on the verge of a break down,but some like two sisters Shanu and Ranu have risen above their circumstances and have become fighters.They lived like princesses with just a round of parties,fun and frolic,but their parents were gunned down in cold blood and so they left taking not a penny with themselves except the clothes on their back and in the camp together they earn a few hundred rupees but they try to make them worth a thousand rupees .Nazia their friend in the camp who is not a very learned woman has a job as a cleaner in a private firm. All live very frugally and on very especial occasions they spend a little .Rehana who lost her industrialist husband to the terrorists and back home she had a battery of servants at her beck and call now makes Artificial jewellary for a jewellar at a princely sum of fifty rupees per day,when she started her work she would cry and cry on returning to the camp because she had to work in very dirty and unhealthy surroundings.There was no water and electricity and mosquitoes and flies made her life miserable,but now she has got used to it because she knows without money survival was impossible.Rama is young and beautiful but over the years she has been forced to change her jobs many times because her looks are more appreciated then her work.After her husband was killed Mrs Manvati shifted to this camp along with her son who is afflicted with polio and she landed a job of a packer,from her work she walks daily to the camp to pick up her son,takes him to a charitable dispensary,brings him back to the camp ,feeds him and walks back to work all within an hour she gets for the lunch break
Rehana who lost her whole family in the mindless violence works in an office as a sorter she has also to double up as a toilet cleaner,before her family was killed she was a principal of a prestigious college in the valley,but Narayani who was a senior professor in the same college is not as lucky,she has to look after her parents and siblings,daily she rummages through the garbage in dustbins lining the valley and she recycles the waste selling it to the raddiwala’s,no body in the camp knows about her job because before returning to the camp,she shells five rupees to the public toilet to have a proper bath.
Ageing Sheela leaves the camp with the first rays of the sun to work as a maid in homes,her husband accompanies her with a broom to sweep the apartment blocks,before they were displaced both of them were successfully running a business venture;I can go on and on with such cases there are countless horrific stories about orphaned children,widowed women whose male relatives have either been killed,maimed or wounded,but nobody cares a damn,everyone is busy in his own life,when the terrorists strike,everyone sits up and takes notice and after making some noises they forget every thing and then once again the hydra-headed serpent of terror strikes with venom and this keeps on happening day after day”, narrated Harry in a bitter voice
“aren’t your leaders doing anything to prevent this outrage? ,questioned God
“when ever the prime minster tries to find a solution,terrorists try to sabotage every possibility of a dialogue bringing both the nations to a war footing,our country does not want a war ,we want to find a peaceful solution because war brings devastation in its wake .Ask the mothers and daughters, fathers and sons who have experienced war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran Vietnam and other places ,who have lost their every thing these people do not have even the will to live”, was Harrys reply
“if they are not interested in a peaceful solution to the problem, then are you going to allow them to destroy you completely so that you are wiped off from the face of this earth?,said God angrily”you have to take up your weapons and fight back like Pandavas did in the Mahabharata war.Terrorists will never listen to reason,you have to destroy them if you want to survive.in this world only people who are fit can survive,here people only understand the law of the jungle,lion is known as the king of the jungle because he knows to survive by fighting back his enemies,I donot know how these poor people are surviving but I feel very sorry for them”God said in a sad voice
“ in the dark clouds which has engulfed these refugees there are tiny islands of silver linings which gives them strength to carry on inspite of all the odds against them.They are putting up a big fight fot survival and rise like phoenix from the ashes of despondency and despair and to quote an oft repaeated phrase,they have coverted the lifes lemons into invigorating and refreshing lemon elixir”said Harry, ”come I will show you how the blazing sun \has lightened their darkest days and see for yourself how this magic of survival has worked wonders for them’.
And holding God’s hand Harry Led him into the interior of the camp,the whole atmosphere was agog with excitement the reason being the celebration of Aslam’s marraige with Gauri. Aslam’s family was shot down in cold blood along with some Kashmiri pandits since he had nowhere to go, the pandits took him along with them, he lived with them and became one of them,the common thread which bound them together was the hatred towards terrorists and terrorism.Aslam celebrated all the joys of the pandits and shared their sorrows and the pandits reciprocated.The pandits also built a small mosque for him near their temple,Harry approached the bridegroom Aslam who was sitting on a charpoy,sipping tea and savouring some hot gossip”so you are getting married to Gauri?”,Harry asked,Aslam nodded his head
“Gauri is a hindu, how did the pandits agree to this alliance?,Harry questioned again
“we all agreed” ,said an elderly man standing besides Aslam, ”this boy is like one of us,he believes in Nand Rishi who was originally a muslim sufi saint and to whom both hindus and muslims pray,our culture and traditions are same,only we belong to different communities
”what do you do for a living my boy?”,God asked Aslam
“I work for a cattle trader ,sir I take cattle for grazing” ,replied Aslam
Who is going to bear the expenses of your marriage, questioned Harry
“I don’t have much money ”,answered Aslam” but the whole camp has pooled their resources together for my marriage”
“we are going to have a proper wazvan and both of you are invited”,said one of Aslam’s close friend
“what is a wazvan?”,asked God
“it is a wedding feast,”replied Aslam,”we slaughter young lambs and we prepare a number of delicious dishes from the mutton,today we will prepare Gustafa which was a great favourite of our first prime minster pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,we will also prepare many other kashmiri delicacies
“God here is a vegetarian”,said Harry
“please,please do come “,said Aslam”we will prepare a especiall vegetarian feast for you and we will use separate utensils and it will be cooked by a Brahmin”.
“please God happiness has visited this camp dispelling the dark clouds hovering over it , if you join them today their happiness will increase thousand folds” ,pleaded Harry
“do join us” ,said Aslam with folded hands,”I have a feeling that if I and Gauri will take your blessings on this most important day of our lives,then nothing can go wrong with us throughout our sojourn on this earth”.Before God could give a reply,a woman handed Him and Harry a steaming cup of hot tea”this is a especiality of Kashmir”,announced the woman”in the valley it is considered sheer discourtesy on the part of the host if he sends away a visitor without serving him this tea”After finishing the tea and giving a solemn promise to Aslam that He would attend his wedding,Harry took God to meet Gauri,she was being anointed with a paste of sandlewood and turmeric ,and her hands and feet were being adorned with ornamental mehandi patterns.In the background,women were singing especial wedding songs and playing the dholak.The songs were highly boisterous and worded for the occasion.
The men folk were busy watching a cricket match on the hired television set unmindful of the sweat pouring down in rivulets from their bodies.After what seemed like ages,they had collected the money to hire a TV set,this was sheer bliss to them,with their faces bright red in the sun, they sat glued to the TV.
On the wedding day , most of the inmates were awake before sunrise because the bride and the groom had to reach the marriage registrar’s office by ten in the morning. One of Aslam’s best friend who worked in a laundry, borrowed a lovely red saree and a suit for the bridegroom ,the bride wore the saree and she draped her head and shoulders with a sequiened dupatta.She wore necklace,ear rings,bangles,ring and nose ring and although the jewellary cost just a few hundreds,it lent a resplendence to her young, innocent and beautiful face’
After signing the marriage register at the registarar’s office ,they exchanged garlands and distributed sweets to all those present.On returning to the camp,they were welcomed at the gate with much hugging and embracing and a band which played popular filmy tunes.They were led to a decorated dias accompanied by men and women young and old who were dancing with gay abandon keeping in step with the filmy tunes,seeing their happy faces,nobody could dream that they were living in such miserable conditions,
The lunch was then served which was a real treat to both the eyes and the palate.God was made the guest of honour and served with a delicious vegetarian spread which God enjoyed eating,soon it was time for the bride and the groom to leave for a small hotel in the vicinity where a room was booked for them to celebrate their honeymoon.Seeing their happy faces,God felt very sorry for these people who inspite of a hard life were trying to find a small ray of happiness in the darkness which had thoroughly engulfed their lives,refugee camps were a blot on humanity,they should be wiped off the face of the earth,everyone of his creation had a right to the bounty He had provided for them
”,what are you thinking?,asked Goddess laxshmi suddenely appearing before God
“I feel very sorry for these folks devi”,replied God”these people have gone through a trauma which surpasses any nightmare you may have seen.Can you gauge the mind of these people who have seen their loved ones being killed and maimed before their eyes? But they are trying to overcome their misfortune because they have a burning desire to live and fight with life,they are like this stump of the tree you see here,it has been chopped up for fuel to feed their home fires,but this dead tree did not give in,it has once again fathered new shoots and very soon will stand up as tall as he was before,the same spirit I see in these people ,I wish I could be of some help to them”,said God’ in a sad voice
“you can not help them my lord because this is their destiny ,and you have rightly said that they will overcome their difficulties with the same spirit as this tree” ,said Goddess Laxshmi.”you can help them only by destroying the terrorists so that no one again becomes a refugee in his own country.Terrorists are like demons which appear from time to time and disrupt life on earth since the beginning of time there was Ravana whom you destroyed in your Avtaar of Rama ,there was another terrorist by the name of Kansa who you killed in your Avtaar of Krishna and there are many,many more demons you have killed to bring peace on this earth,you can once again kill them-these terrorists who are demons reborn”
“you are right devi,I have to destroy these terrorists to bring peace to the valley”,said God


God visits the hideout of terrorists in Kshmir

That night, God requested Rahil to show Him the hideout of the terrorists who had kidnapped him
”I have no idea about their whereabots”,replied Rahil”they are everywhere,but nobody sees them,in the middle of the night they come like ghosts and kidnap anyone they desire,but I know a school teacher who meets them often and who can take you to their hideout” .God approached the teacher and asked him wether he would guide Him to the terrorists hide out.The teacher faked surprise at the requesr”who told you that I know terrorists,it is a lie,some one is trying to put me in trouble,I swear I know no terrorists”,replied the teacher in a frightened voice
“I know you know the terrorists because you are a police informer and you are helping the police to nab them, you are doing a very good work for which you should be given a reward”,said God in a kind voice
“I don’t care for rewards,I am happy that I am being of service to my fellow human beings”
“please take me to them”,God pleaded with the teacher”may be I can drill some good sense into their cruel and scheming heads”.
“you cannot do anything with them,they have gone too far in their cruel ways to listen to reason,even otherwise I cannot take you because if they come to know that I have spoken to an outsider about them,they will scrape off my skin and feed me to the dogs”
“if you take Me to their hideout,I shall give you this ring which will fetch you plenty of money,I know you need the money badly to educate your son and marry off your young daughter”,God said showing him the ring which was shining like the many moons on His beautiful finger,seeing the ring,the teacher felt a very strong desire to possess it .God saw him eyeing the ring greedily and therefore before he could change his mind He handed the ring to him” when you meet them please ,please do not take my name otherwise they will kill me in cold blood:, the teacher said greedily pocketing the ring .Within an hour they reached the hideout of the terrorists :we are here ,the tea stall owner will take you to their hide out” ,the teacher said pointing out to a tea stall in the distance and then quickly he made his gate away. .On approaching the tea stall ,God sat down on a bench and requested for a cup of tea ”you are new here?” ,the stall owner questioned God. God nodded His head and then He asked the stall owner who was occupying the ramshackle building which stood at a little distance.
“I don’t know ”,the stall owner replied uneasily ”please finish your tea and leave”.
“I will leave soon ,don’t worry my friend but first tell me who occupies that broken down place ?”,God repeated His question
“I have told you already I don’t know and by the way why do you want to know about the building are you a spy or something?” ,before God could make a reply ,a man stepped out of the building and came striding towards them ,as soon as he saw God ,he exclaimed” I have seen you some where ”,He stood there scratching his head and screwing up his eyes to get back his memory ,before his memory could come back, God said, ”you have seen me on the day you bombed the twin towers ,the pride of America”
“I remember now ,you are the same person who gave us lengthy lectures on goodness and kindness aren’t you? ,asked the man
“yes I am the same person” ,said God
“and what are you doing here?” ,asked God
“this is my area ,here I am the king” ,the man said in an arrogant voice
“you are like a driver sitting on the deck of a ship ,it is a beautiful day, the sun is shining brightly in the sky, the waters of the ocean are calm, a soft breeze is blowing, you feel it is great to be alive and kicking ,some where down below your ship,is the wreck of an old ship which is full of gold coins and jewellary, you can see it from the deck of your ship because of the intricate cross currents flowing in the depth of the ocean,they are too far down to disturb the surface calm of the waters.Greedily you don the diving gear and go after the booty as your body touches the sea bed you find yourself engulfed by a strong current which pushes you this way and that,you try to fight back ,but you have lost complete control and you know sooner or later you will have to face death in the face,what had promised to be a smooth and rewarding task from the safety of your ship suddenely turns life threatening,from here you are gloating over your victory but this victory will turn into defeat one day and then the weariness and defeat will overwhelm you and then you will begin to wonder why on earth were you doing and propogating all the nasty and cruel activities,and wether all that you had done was worth the discomfort and calamities you are will be suffering in future?”,asked God
“are you a missionary whose mission is to convert all the people he comes across to his way of thinking?” ,asked the man
“no ,I am not a missionary I am an ordinary human being like you ,but the difference between you and me is that you believe in violence and I believe in non violence .you go about killing all living creatures thereby you transgress all rules of living and letting others live ,one who wishes ill of others achieves nothing worth while ,no sooner he commits one evil, then one hundred evils recoil upon him ,sneering at some one who wants to save you from your cruel destiny will only harm you and bring upon you the curses of millions of households whom you have destroyed. Many people today are after your blood and must be waiting for the opportunity to give you your just dues, therefore before it is too late give up your violent ways, try to be non violent in speech ,thought and action, once your violent thoughts leave you, your aggressive nature will be relinquished and others will also stop harboring hostility towards you”, said God
Somehow God’s words appealed to him and he wanted to listen to Him and change his ways ,but he was too far gone in his mission to retreat ,In his business one did not retreat by his own choice, but by the choice of their leader and he knew for sure that his leader will never let go of him because he was amongst the few who was given training in explosives .He was an explosive expert he had complete knowledge of how to use a timer device, prepare circuits for remote control devices and camouflage circuits to fool bomb detectors. He had a laboratory in the building where he trained recruits in the usage of different chemicals for making explosives, he had film clips meant to brain wash the recruits about jihad He knew he was lost in the deep sense of insanity and cruelty and there was no salvation for him in this world or the next, but he could still save his soul by stopping further destruction “I am just a small fry in this scheme of things only our boss can help you”, said the man after much thought
“where can I meet your boss?, asked God
“you can not meet him since he does not have any specific place where he resides, he changes places every month to avoid being caught, but you can meet his fourth wife who is here on a short holiday”, said the man
“will you take me to meet her:?”, asked God
“you can go into this building, she lives inside, she will be happy to meet you because she is very fond of fakir’s and saints”, said the man, then he showed God the entrance to the building, and asked the woman’s personal maid who had come out to fetch the young son of the boss to take God to the woman’s room
Although the building from outside looked completely ramshackle ,inside it was beautifully decorated and lavishly furnished, the room in which God was taken by the maid must have cost lakes of rupees for furnishing it, it was very tastefully done up, in a corner a young and a beautiful woman was performing mamas she was bestowed withy a rare beauty and her innocent face reflected the beauty of her soul. God sat quietly on a chair for her to complete her prayers. After closing the holy book, she looked up and she found in God her beloved Allah to whom she prayed five times daily. The best moments of her life were when she said her prayers, her soul sprang from her body and went and sat at God’s feet ”I am honored to have you as my guest ,tell me sir what can I do for you: ,she said in a soft voice.
“1 need your help” ,said God
“my help” ,she was amazed.
“I need your help to end terrorism in this valley”
“how can a small fry like me help you? ,asked the woman who was known as Nazakat
“do you know that if a tiny ant enters an elephant’s ear,she can kill him,even the smallest and the most insignificant person can work wonders if they have the will to succeed ,I know you are married to a man who is most wanted and most hated man in the world ,he loves you because you are the mother of apple of his eyes, it is you only who can change him and make him a better person ”,said God
“I have no influence on him, he only uses me to fulfill his bodily hunger otherwise I am as useful to him as a piece of furniture ”,replied Nazakat.
“for his own selfish and unholy motives your husband is killing and maiming his fellow beings, what you do now you will get in return in your next birth ,if you kill some one or torture some one in this birth ,he will take his revenge on you in your next birth this is law of karma, every creation of God is bound by karma ,every soul which re-enters the earth as a human being has sub conscious access to the characteristics ,mental capabilities and skills he has accumulated in his previous births and if a person has lived in negative emotions such as hate ,fear ,cruelty and greed then his evolutionary progress is delayed and he undergoes needless sufferings, therefore every person should try to give up his negative emotions and encourage positive emotions so that he saves himself from destruction in his next birth” ,said God
“our religion does not believe in law of karma or rebirth”, she said quietly .His sayings seemed to her sacrilegious and contrary to all the teachings of Islam, her first impulse was to get up and walk away, it was impossible that man lived more then one life on this planet. As she was debating in her mind wether to listen or leave, her eyes fell on His face and to her greatest astonishment she saw Allah looking at her belevantly.She was bathed in peace and happiness at that instant .She fell at His feet, sobbing uncontrollably washing His feet with the tears coming out in torrents from her eyes ”you are my Allah, I feel blessed to have you before me”, she said between her sobs.
“if you do not save him ,in his next birth he will be born with both physical and mental problems ,he may suffer deafness, dumbness ,blindness and any killer disease depending upon the enormity of his crimes therefore I am requesting you to stop him from shedding innocent blood” ,said God
“I don’t think he will listen to me or any one ,he is drunk with the power of his success, he has brought many a government down to it’s knees, every one is mortally afraid of him. He is fearless and as fierce as a tiger ,although when you see him, you will never believe he is the same person who has been instrumental in killing thousands of people. He has taken his education from the best universities abroad, he is very soft in speech and very gentle ,he strums the guitar and serenades women he has as many women falling over him as bees on honey, it will be nothing short of miracle if he changes because in his thinking he thinks he is even greater then his creator” ,said Nazakat
“every demon born on this earth meet with a cruel end, this end will also befall your husband if he does not mend his ways ”,God proclaimed
“the only person who can bring about a change in him is his little son whom he calls Prince ,he is very fond of him ,he is his life support ,take away his son from him and he will stop living ,with great difficulty I have brought my son here for a short holiday, because living in that atmosphere suffocates me and as a mother I am afraid being in that place is bad for my son because then he will follow in his father’s footsteps and no mother wants her son to be a terrorist ,I want him to be good, kind and honest and this is not possible if he lives under the shadow of his father, therefore I try to take him out as much as possible far from his father’s influence, this time too as always he refused to let him go ,but I pleaded with him that the toddler cannot stay without his mother, he agreed on condition that I would take great care of him ”.God suddenely stood up ,placed his hand on her head to bless her and made His way outside

.Outside God saw Prince playing with a ball near a deep pit, suddenely the ball rolled into the pit and slipped and fell into the pit and the boy ran after it and he too slipped and fell into the pit .The tea stall owner who first noticed the boy, started shouting and yelling soon he had collected all the people in the vicinity .Nazakat fell on the ground in a swoon with great difficulty she was revived, she started sobbing uncontrollably and pleading with all and sundry to save her baby .Some people tried to throw a rope to him to catch ,but being a child he could not catch the rope and slipped further down into a sixty feet deep pit .Goddess Laxshmi who was always with God asked Him,”why have you done this to the poor innocent child?”.
“I didn’t want to perform this heartless act,but this is the only way by which I can bring about a change of heart in his cruel father and save the valley from further destruction
”replied God  


God brings a change of heart in the don

The news soon spread like wild fire throughout the village.Forgeting the indignities and cruelities the don had inflicted upon them,the villagers rushed to save his son.The child was buried in a tomb like darkness,not a ray of light could penetrate the darkness of the pit.
The child cried till his mouth was parched and his tears dried up, then totally exhausted he lay down half conscious on the muddy floor which was crawling with insects. The villagers tried whole evening and night to rescue him ,but they couldn’t at last they requested the army to help them in the rescue operation .The army knew that he was the son of the dreaded don who had inflicted upon them a number of causalities, but they felt that a small innocent child should not be made to pay for his father’s crimes. They inserted a CC TV camera into the pit to monitor the child’s movements. The child was alive inspire of having nothing to eat or drink for the past so many hours ,they gave him a non ending supply of oxygen through a plastic pipe and supplied him with food which they put in a bucket and tied it to one end of the rope which they slid into the pit.
This sensational news was soon carried to various news channels and all converged on the village to tell the world the misfortune which had befallen the dreaded don. The footage was given in graphic detail to all the viewers. Soon the news reached the don in his hideout and he switched on the TV channel who was giving detail by detail account about his son, he went pale in his face on seeing his son fighting between life and death in the pit, he started trembling violently, he didn’t know how to save his only child whom he loved above everything else in the world. He could see his wife crying heart brokenly near the pit, he could see the army and the villagers on whom he had inflicted so much horror, pain and misery and who were frantically trying to rescue his son. He could see people belonging to all castes and creeds praying to God to rescue his son from the grip of death, although they all knew that the child was the son of the most dreaded don on this earth. He who had given so much misery, hatred and cruelty to people were praying for his sons life. He who had never done a good deed in his life, he who had taken so many lives in return everyone of them were trying to give him back his life-his son who was the light of his life with out whom life for him was not worth living
He was at war with himself, all hate, all malice melted away from his mind that very moment .He was cured of all the ill will he had ever harbored against his fellow human beings. His soul was penitent for all the bitterness he had spread around himself ,he had a change of heart and change of mind and his soul was baptized by the holy spirit .He fell at his feet and prayed to Allah to forgive him his sins and to give him back his son.He gave a promise to God that henceforth he would not harbor hate or malice against anyone,neither would he do any injustice to anyone.,he would never again fund any criminal activity.He pleaded with God sobbing heavily to accept his plea,if He accepted it,it meant he had been forgiven ,if he rejected his plea then he deserved it
A little apart from the pit,stood a well which had dried up and was unused for many years ,the army decided to dig a tunnel between the well and the pit. After many hours of hard work ,the army successfully dug the tunnel between the two .A soldier went down the well and through the tunnel he reached the boy. He put the boy in a basket and attached the basket to a rope lowered from above ,the basket was lifted up with the help of a crane,
The boy was weak but in good condition he was put in the arms of his mother who was besides herself with joy. She ran to a temple which was situated close by and fell at the feet of God for giving her back the apple of her eyes.
This incident united the whole valley it was heart warming to see the entire valley praying for the safe return of his son. It was amazing to note that the don who had all his life done a death dance in the valley ,his son had generated a unique unity amongst the people of different castes and creeds,
Overwhelmed by the power he had achieved ,the don had the illusion pf sovereignty he became blind and deaf to his fellow beings sufferings and never felt any remorse for committing the most dastardly crimes. The people too on whom he had heaped so many atrocities stopped feeling outraged at his crimes-they had got accustomed to his evil designs-people had a choice between life and death, but they preferred death to life and therefore they had never fought back, they only talked of the spirit of Kashmir which consisted of bouncing back to life every time some one was killed, this unending spirit of the people and indifference to death which had stalked them time and again, had emboldened him to go further in his acts of cruelty and this had made him more and more callous to their helplessness and despair ,only if all of them had joined together and fought him bravely and stopped him in his track ,then he would have not been drunk by his power and his achievements.
So many lives he had stilled and destroyed and when he saw how many men and how many hours it took to save a single life, he understood that each life was very valuable and it should be treated with respect, it was very easy to kill ,but very difficult to save a life. He decided then and there to turn a new leaf and henceforth his mission in life would be to help as many people as possible.
He called a meeting of all the members of his gang and announced that he was from now on giving up the life of sin and giving himself up to the law .”I am fed up of living a life of a fugitive .I want to live a happy life with my family. I did jihad in the name of Islam ,I thought I would kill all non believers in the valley and turn everyone into a muslim, but after I saw how my son was rescued by people of all castes and creeds I realized that there is only one religion and that religion is the religion of love, understanding and brotherhood.i tried hard to break the unity amongst the hindus and muslims in the valley but not once I was able to do it.in the eyes of God we are the most inhuman and merciless of all mankind,I will not hesitate to say that we are the real kafffir’s,because only non believers can commit the crimes against humanity as we have been doing all this time.I would also like to invite all of you to join me and reform yourselves,instead of killing mindlessly and instilling pain and fear in others,let us work together and bring harmony back in their lives, let us give them the healing touch .It is not easy to change from a bad person to a good person, it is a very up hill task because the society in which we live, the education which is imparted to us corrodes a man’s sensibilities and takes him back to his old ways, always beckoning him to a life of easy gain, but one should fight bravely against all odds and walk on his path of goodness .How many of you would like to join me in my new mission?’ ,the don asked his gang members
Since the don was always kind ,helpful and accessible he was well liked by his gang members therefore everyone was agreeable to his decision because almost all of them were tired of always being on the run, they all wanted to settle down and lead a peaceful existence. ,The don connected well with gangsters from all walks of life, he had a magnetism which made everybody listen to him and blindly follow him all the attributes necessary for a powerful personality ,the don knew very well that if he could recruit people to kill and destroy, he had also the power to convert the gangsters to lead a moralistic and virtuous life

“Devi did you see how the small boy brought a unity amongst all the religious faiths and how the most wanted criminal on earth had a change of heart,what no man could do.this small boy achieved”said God
“you can achieve the impossibly my lord after all the whole universe is at your beck and call and you can do anything,anything at all”,replied Goddess Laxshmi,”but my lord when you put the small toddler in the tomb like pit I was afraid for the boy”
“I never left the boy for a second,I did not let any harm come even within his touching distance,I was his strength,I was his undying spirit” ,said God
“Narain.Narain”.sang Narada on his tanpura which he always carried along with him every where making a sudden appearance.”what ever you do my lord you do to save mankind,you are very benevolent and kind,I was watching the TV contiuously ,the whole episode was full of drama and suspense.you can be a very good story writer my lords”,
“maybe later on I will turn a story writer because on this earth you need money to survive and to earn money you have to work”.replied God
“my lord when ever a tragedy befalls human’s their government has no specific plan to tackle the terrorists,they just speak a few words of consolation to the families of the dead, pay them compensation and then go about their business .To win confidence of the citizens they make a big show of booking the culprits and the trial goes on till eternity, some times the criminals are dead and gone and still the trial goes on, they make a mockery of the whole episode because they know with time everything will be forgotten”,said Narada
“this is a sick nation ”,replied God,” which only keeps on harping about the spirit of the people instead of tackling the terrorists with a firm hand. The entire people are corrupt and saleable excepting a few leaders which you can count on the fingers of your hand, they are all saleable ,corruption has seeped into their bones, for their own ulterior motives and monetary gains they damage the place which has given birth to them and looks after them. These vultures who thrive on human flesh have turned their nation into grave yard of destruction”.”
“you are right my lord” ,replied Goddess Laxshmi,”most of the leaders are themselves guilty of sheltering and nurturing terrorists therefore they do not take any action that places a premium of reassuring the population that feels threatened ,they take no steps to bring back the harmony to give the healing touch .life is cheap for these scroundels. At the rate the death rate is climbing,sooner or later the death rate will beat the birth rate”.
“I created all men equally”,said God,”and man created religion but some man misuse religion to further their own selfish motives and destroy my creation .Instead of living together peacefully and happily they are dividing each other on religious lines”
“I am sorry to say my lord ”,said Goddess Laxshmi ”the human race is bent on destroying each other”
At that moment Harry made an appearance and asked God wether He had seen how many man hours were lost in rescuing the don’s son ”the boy should have been left in the pit to die a slow and torturous death as the don is being doing to our children ,why show sympathy for such a cruel man’s child? ”,asked Harry in an angry voice
“the child can not be punished for his father’s sins and who knows this act of kindness has brought a change of heart in the don” ,replied God
“the rulers are as much at fault as the don ,they are allowing the enemies to bleed the country and turn it into a hot bed of terror and treason ,the result will be very bad indeed, when every thing is taken away from you and you have nothing to live for ,everyone will start retaliating against the system ,they will start taking law into their hands and then complete anarchy will prevail”, said Harry
“the real culprits are the politicians who play upon the religious feelings of the people .To keep their chair safe and sound they use the divide and rule policy they instigate different communities against each other and weaken them .Instead of apprehending the culprits and punishing them without trail ,they make a mockery of justice by holding trials for years on end and ultimately because of lack of sufficient proof and witnesses turning hostile and some times even dying during the lengthy proceedings, most of the goons go scot free” ,said Rahil who was had accompanied Harry
“it is pitiable to see so many intellectually exhausted human’s who have been overcome by emotional weariness.Instead of mastering the situation,they have become victims of it.They have lost the confidance and forgotten the adge that unitedly they can master any situation,no matter how worst it is.Because of their growing inner cowardiness,they feel helplessly persecuted. This unhealthy mental weakness drains off people’s heroism and they desperately try to put a paper crown upon their cowardiness calling it the great spirit of the peole.Generally the peopl’s mind has become unsteady ,agitated and chaotic, they have come down to the stupid level of taking every thing in their stride because they fear to face the terrorists ,like Arjuna who declared before the Mahabharata war that he had so much large heartedness that even if the Kaurava’s were to kill him,he would not fight injustice.The Kaurava’s were hundred in number which represented evil forces lurking on the earth,whilst Arjuna and his brothers were only five in number but they represented the divine forces .A constant war is being waged around every human being with negative forces hovering over every one of them which are mightier then divine forces .Although divine forces are weak much weaker then the negative forces, but if the divine forces are organized fully under the guidance of the creator ,one can win a permanent victory over the outnumbering forces of evil” ,said God
“but for this everyone should unite and fight the evil forces is it not? ,asked Rahil
“most of the people are now in a state of sleep, their individual temperament, character ,capabilities and decency are all in a condition of dormancy, in their cowardliness they have a fear of facing the situation, because of this, they bring upon themselves innumerable sorrows .Once they realize that bouncing back after each attack will not help them and when the reality illuminates their minds they will be bestowed with potential energy which after a time and under favorable conditions will emerge to express itself and will put down the dark forces of destruction .And when the dormant seed of anger and anguish will manifest itself in man and before long it will grow and grow into inconceivable heights and then every evil force will be destroyed by them, then God too will be of help to them because He helps those who helps themselves” ’said God
“I hope that day comes fast ”,said Harry
“The day has already arrived ,from now on there will be only peace and plenty in the valley ,once again the valley will glow in its pristine beauty” ,said God,
Just then Nazakat came and fell at God’s feet” you have performed a miracle my lord ,my husband who was a mine of crime and cruelty has reformed his ways ,he just now spoke to me on the phone and told me that from now on he and his gang have reformed themselves completely and hence forth they will spend their lives in helping less fortunate people and will restore peace and happiness to the valley ,said Nazakat
God patted her on the head and gave her His hands to stand up, ”This is a very good news I am hearing today ,spread this good news to others in the valley
”,God said addressing Rahil, ”I am happy my journey to this land of dreams has been fruitful”


God saves a woman from being run over by a train

After bringing peace into the valley God and Harry started back to Bombay where Harry had a house and a permanent job. They were waiting at the station for the train to arrive , when suddenely a woman with a baby in her arms was spotted by the commuters crossing the tracks,even as an announcement on the public address system warned every body to stay away from the track as a super fast train was about to cross that way, but due to the break neck speed at which it was approaching ,the woman was so terrified by the approaching train that she stood rooted to the spot. The commuters turned their faces away and closed their eyes to avoid seeing the ghastly sight, when God’s eyes fell on the woman, without a moments hesitation he jumped onto the tracks and pushed the woman onto the platform and He too climbed up to safety as the train trundled past. Goddess Laxshmi appeared before Him and said in an agitated voice, ”do you realize the enormity of what you have done just now? you would have been gravely wounded but for my timely intervention ,why do you have to take such risks ?have you forgotten that you have a human body and like every human you have to suffer because of your indiscretion”.

“I am sorry devi,I will always rember hence forth that I am in a human body and avoid taking risks”,said God in a palacating tone
The woman was trembling with fear and agitation.God made her sit on a bench and gave her a glass of water,he took the crying baby in His arms and quietened the child.When the woman seemed to have got over the shock,God rebuked her for putting her life and her child’s life in danger.”I am very sorry but I didn’t know what I was doing since I was not in my senses,the reason being my husband who is very ill and therefore unable to work and my children are turning mad with hunger.I went to my grocer from whom I buy my groceries regularly to ask for some grains ,but the grocer refused to give me anything although I promised to pay him his every pie once my husband started working again”.
Vizulising my children’s hungry faces,I begged softly,”please sir atleast give me a little rice otherwise my children will die of hunger,they have not eaten anything for the last two days ,but he was adamant and he pushed me away from his shop and I didn’t know what to do where to go, my mind went blank ,the only thing my mind asked me was food for my children, blindly without thinking I started crossing the tracks” ,she was quiet for a while and then she said in an agitated tone, ”why did you save us, we were better off dead, poverty is the worst thing on this earth ,and hunger can kill you, when you are hungry yourself; you will understand what I am saying ,but God forbid you reach our state ,My only prayers to God is that no one on this earth should face hunger”,
God knew very well what was hunger, he had experienced hunger pangs many times since He had donned the body of a human being” can you take me to the grocer?”,
“yes. .but why?, questioned the woman
“may be I can be of some help to you ”,was God’s reply She looked at His face and into His eyes and when she saw the love and kindness flowing from it she felt confident that she would get help from Him
As God started leaving with the woman ,Harry said to Him” where are you going with this woman ?you will miss the train because the train might arrive at any moment now”
“you go ahead my friend ,I will follow you, I have your address ”,replied God .On reaching the grocery shop, God requested the owner to give the woman the groceries she needed.
“I cannot do that ”,replied the grocer” she has no money and my policy is not to give things on credit”
“I do not want to break your principles but can you not give her the groceries against the weight of her grocery list?. asked God
The grocer looked at the small piece of paper in the woman’s hand and smiled, the Man must be joking the paper was so thin and small the woman would not get even a gram of rice against its weight, it would cost him nothing to humor this Man” okay I will do as you say”, said the grocer.
“you give me a solemn promise that you will not retract your statement” ,said God
“it’s a gentleman’s promise I will not go back on my words” ’was the grocers reply’
“God you are cheating the poor man”, said Goddess Laxshmi
“I am helping this hungry woman, do you know devi how hunger kills you/?.I know since I have experienced it many times. If I had money I would have purchased her everything she wanted,but I have no money on me,therefore I devised this way to help her,and don’t tell me devi I am cheating .All his life this man has been cheating people and now its his turn to be cheated ”’said God.
“come on lady put your grocery list on the scales and what ever your grocery list weighs I will give you that amount in groceries said the grocer hiding a smile
The woman hesitated a moment then she. scribbled some thing on the piece of paper and laid the piece of paper on the scale. The eyes of the grocer popped out in amazement when the scales went down, the grocer stared at the scales and then looked at God and exclaimed ,”I can not believe this” ,God gave him a beautific smile and said, ”do you want to go back on your promise?”.
“no ,I have given you a gentleman’s promise and I will stick by it ,no matter how many groceries I have to part with” .The grocer then started putting the groceries on the other side of the scale ,the scale did not balance and he continued to put more and more groceries on the scale and by the time the scale balanced more then half his shop was empty ,he felt completely cheated,he gave God a disgusted look and he grabbed the piece of paper from the scales and stared at it, it was not a grocery list but a prayer in which the woman had written ”Dear God you know in what condition I am in today, I am leaving everything in your hands ”,the grocer kept his promise and gave her all the groceries and stood in stunned silence whilst the woman happily gathered the groceries .God looked at him kindly and thanked him and then he said to him” no act of kindness goes in vain:, and left the shop .As the grocer stood there watching Him leave, a wave of happiness washed over him and covered him like a ray of bright sunshine, suddenely a change came over him and then he took a decision that from henceforth he would not live only for himself but would spend the rest of his life in service of fellow human beings.


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