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Tuesday 4 September 2012

Teacher: need to know Time.


Jiddu Krishnamurti, teacher and philosopher once said "Truth is pathless land". It is true with teacher because It is a teacher who show path to students to find truth in pathless land. It is teacher who shapes the generation but in time of modern consumer culture, the teacher is becoming good to be sold in the market of knowledge. The knowledge of teacher is  becoming limited to his own subject in the absence of multidisciplinary approach. Gone are the days when students used to bend down their head and learn from teachers but modern education system is such that teacher has to bend down their head and teach students because knowledge is sold rather than preached.

                             The question of morality among teacher is  put in test in modern times because teachers are turning so selfish in their nature.For instance teachers who are on deputation in Chandigarh Administration from Punjab and Haryana for  limited period of three years, are still in Chandigarh. It is surprising to see them not going back to their parent states. Some of these teachers  are building house to stay permently   in Chandigarh. It has been reported also that some of the teachers are running photostat shops to earn extra money. Even though government has awarded them huge amount in sixth pay commission , yet their desire to make money does not end to take private  tutions at home. Both states of Punjab and Haryana need  these teacher's service but the unfortunate part of our system is even administration does not  bother to check them out to their parent states. If IAS offiers, who are on deputations from these both states to Chandigarh, are sent back to their parent states after stipulated time of three years then why not teachers to be sent back to their parent states?

                          Punjab is  becoming  hub of social problems  such as Female Foticide, Drug addiction, alcoholism. In the land of Gurunanak ji, people stil live  in the era of black magic. There is no freedom for women to roam around with male friends. Police who are besotwed with law are trying to run moral lectuer on street which is infact forsing women to commit sucide. It is duty of teacher to teach morality to students. It is fundamental duty of teacher to conduct research on such issues but the unfortnute part of our present educational system is teachers tend to work for salary rather than worriyng about society. It is duty of Sociology teachers to conduct recearch on social issues.  It is sad to note that Central University, Batinda  and  Sri Gurugranth Saheb Universty, Fathegargh Saheb have not got department of Sociology. There are 750   Lecturers and 145  Professors of Sociology  in Punjab but not a single recearch is conducted on impact of Home Made Alcohol in Punjab. Students of degree level are reading guides to pass their examinations.It is shocking to see not a single  teacher is willing to go to village of Punjab and conduct research because they think water of Punjab is full Uranium.
                        Haryana is the land of historical importance. It is  the place where Mahabharata took place but it is unfortunate to note that local language  of this land has not got script. It is teachers who can develop such a intellectual  work but  not even single effort is made by university level teachers to develop script  for Harayanvi language. There is not a single study center of Jiddu Krishnmurti in both states where as forein universities have adopted the teaching methodologies of Jiddu Krishnamurti.
                      Language of  Karnataka state, Kannada  has got 8 Gyanpeeth awards. It is pleasure to observe out of these  8 awardes 6 of them are teachers but  It is sad to observe holy language Punjabi has got just one and half Gyanpeeth awards. Amrita Pritam and Gurudayal Singh brought highest literary awards. Anybody can ask questions why can not teachers of Punjab and Haryana write and win such prestigious awards. Both states seem to be sending lots of money on sports related matters rather than Literary works.The states which are food bowl  of our country  need to become Knowledge bowl.
                     The culture of buying books and reading is lacking in this part of world. It  will be teacher who can bring this culture among children. Teacher can tell pupils to develop habits of gifting books on birthday and other happy occasions. There is urgent need for teachers  to calculate total hours of their duty. In 365 days of year,  there are 8760  hours and it is just around 702 hours, teacher is teaching.    University Grants Commission  has come  up with idea of developing  habit of writing books among teachers.    This might has brought burden on some of the teachers. There is urgent need to ask these teachers to read about Jiddu Krishnamurti who says there are two types of time, physical  and mental time.   Teachers spend their time of 702 hours as mental time and rest of the hours in year, teachers are indulged in the physical world.It is  a teacher community which has to understand about these two types of time and work . If teacher community gives more importance to mental time than physical time then there will be not only literary revolution but also revolution in the field of education.
Panditrao Dharennavar
Assistant Professor
PG Govt College

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